News & Event

Let’s go to the Fifth High School Memorial Hall!


Dear new students

Congratulations on your admission.

Kumamoto University owns many important cultural properties, and the Fifth High School Memorial Hall is one of them.

The Fifth High School Memorial Hall is one of the oldest existing buildings of a former high school, where Jigoro Kano, Soseki Natsume, Lafcadio Hearn (Koizumi Yakumo) and others taught .It has produced many people who have been active in various fields, such as Eisaku Sato (61st to 63rd Prime Minister) and Torahiko Terada (physicist).

In order to encourage new students to visit the Goda Memorial Hall, we have set up guidance hours as shown in the table below.

After receiving a general explanation of the Fifth High School Memorial Hall and watching a video (about 20 minutes), you will be able to freely tour the museum at the time indicated. Please come and visit us at this opportunity.

Please note that the ”Fifth High School Memorial Hall Leaflet” and ”Campus Museum Leaflet” are included in the handout to new students.


Reference materials) Free time before and after guidance for each faculty, etc.
